AgioFunds TFI - AgioFunds

AgioFunds TFI

AgioFunds TFI SA is a licenced investment fund company, overseen by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF). We have been present on the market since April 2009. 

We are a wholly Polish, private, and independent financial institution, not affiliated and having no capital ties with financial market corporations. AgioFunds is an alternative to financial conglomerates, for which asset management accounts for a fraction of their entire business.

Our product portfolio currently includes over a dozen investment funds: 

  • AGIO Agresywny Spółek Wzrostowych, 
  • AGIO Akcji Małych i Średnich Spółek, 
  • AGIO Kapitał, 
  • AGIO Kapitał PLUS, 
  • AGIO Akcji PLUS,
  • AGIO Dochodowy PLUS,
  • AGIO Stabilny PLUS,
  • AGIO Market Neutral, 
  • AGIO Wierzytelności NSFIZ, 
  • AGIO Wierzytelności PLUS NSFIZ, 
  • AGIO Wierzytelności PLUS 2 NSFIZ,
  • AGIO Nieruchomości Komercyjnych FIZAN,
  • AGIO Globalny Kapitał FIZ,

We also offer bespoke closed-end funds. We have PLN 6.7 billion in assets under management.

We do not let short-term expectations guide us. Our goal is to always build long-term relationships based on mutual trust. We offer stable and recurring returns. We under-promise, hope to over-deliver, and keep our word.